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Setting up a hexo static blog on Windows system

This article records the entire process of my first time setting up a hexo static blog.

Introduction to Hexo#

Hexo is a fast, clean, and efficient blog framework. Hexo uses Markdown (or other rendering engines) to parse articles and generate static web pages with beautiful themes in seconds.

Environment Setup#

To set up Hexo in a Windows environment, the following software is required:


Install Hexo#

After installing the above two software, you can create a folder on your desktop with any name. Right-click in the folder you just created and select "Open Git Bash Here" from the context menu.


Enter the following command in the Git Bash software:

$ npm install -g hexo-cli

Enter the command to check if the installation is complete, compare with the image below:

hexo -v


Enter the command below to initialize (wait a few minutes after pressing Enter)

exo init

Install essential Hexo plugins

npm install

After completing the above steps, Hexo is set up.

Run the Blog#

Although we have completed the installation, we cannot access it yet. You need to follow these steps to run your blog.
Clear cache

hexo clean

Generate static files

hexo g

Run in local environment

hexo s 



Local environment address: http://localhost:4000/
To publish your blog on the Internet and allow more people to access it, you need to upload the generated static files to a cloud server.
Of course, you can also deploy it on the pages service provided by GitHub.

Ownership of this post data is guaranteed by blockchain and smart contracts to the creator alone.